eye bank

Learn about Eversight’s efforts to honor donor wishes and help advance research & clinical knowledge

Eversight: The stewards of the gift of sight

In 2022, 7,743 tissues were provided for sight-restoring transplants.

For more than 75 years, donors and their families have made our mission to restore sight and prevent blindness possible by consenting to eye donation. During the recovery process, our highly trained technicians assess, preserve and transport each donor’s gift with care and precision. 

And those donations mean everything for the recipients

eye bank present
Due to an eye infection, Josh became blind in his left eye at the age of 14. After a long and tiring journey, he received a cornea transplant, and everything changed. Now he’s back doing his favorite things: spending time with friends and playing baseball.

In the same year, 5,989 donors & families gave the gift of sight.

Thomas Umholtz’s wife, Lisa, was concerned that after his passing he would not be able to be an organ, eye and tissue donor because of the cancer he had. She was overjoyed to receive the call from Eversight that told her otherwise.

“Two women in Illinois were gifted sight from the tissue he was able to donate... I feel like a small fraction of him is still alive.” 


Eversight provides precious ocular tissue to researchers investigating blinding eye conditions and assists clients with their projects. The Eversight Center for Vision and Eye Banking Research helps our research team conduct their own studies to find cures and treatments for blinding eye conditions. 

    eye bank present

    In addition, Eversight facilitates a vast range of training and education opportunities. In 2022 alone, Eversight staff hosted: 

    • Seven Eversight webinars with 559 registrants 
    • Three Young Physicians Group meetings with 48 attendees 
    • 42 virtual and in-person wet labs with 209 attendees from around the world

    Plunge into the work Eversight is doing to strive toward a world without blindness in our full 2022 impact report. 

    Interested in receiving periodic news and updates from Eversight? We invite you to sign up to receive our emails.
    In this season of gratitude, Eversight has launched a matching


    campaign to impact even more lives. Please consider supporting Eversight and help us earn a generous $4,000 match from our Board of Directors.

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