
Vital Tears

Eversight partnered with Vital Tears to bring you a convenient, customized option for your patients needing autologous serum eye drops.


Vital Tears

Eversight partnered with Vital Tears to bring you a convenient, customized option for your patients needing autologous serum eye drops.

Why Vital Tears?

Vital Tears are custom made for each patient per physician’s specifications and provided through a convenient production, delivery and billing system.

Produced with a patient’s serum in a sterile balanced salt solution, Vital Tears are preservative-free serum eye drops intended for autologous use.

Vital Tears are provided in 3 ml aliquots and may be ordered as a three or six month supply. The drops last one week in refrigeration and six months frozen.

Order now

Product sheet

Order online

Conveniently place orders and locate blood collection facilities for your patients online.

Blood collection

Blood can be collected in your office or at an established partner outpatient facility (in select areas).

Serum processing

Serum is diluted to your specifications at a Vital Tears laboratory.

Payment & delivery

Vital Tears coordinates payment with your patient and delivers directly to their home. Patients can expect to receive their Vital Tears as quickly as 48 hours after the blood collection.

Shahzad I. Mian, MD

"I have had the privilege of working with Eversight for nearly 16 years and their commitment to quality of care and support for donor families, the surgeon and patients is unparalleled. I know when I use Eversight services, my patients are in the best of hands."