Young Physicians Group

YPG was created by ophthalmologists across the United States in partnership with Eversight to provide a forum for physicians like you who are still in training or in the first few years of practice to network, share cases and discuss current topics in ophthalmology.


Are you still in training or in the first few years of practice and interested in

  • Increasing your awareness of new developments in the field of ophthalmology?
  • Growing your skills as a physician leader?
  • Networking with peers both locally and nationally?
  • Finding solutions to complicated cases?
  • Refining your presentation skills?
  • Mentorship opportunities?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, then Eversight's Young Physicians Group (YPG) is for you!

Our next Young Physicians Group virtual meeting will be held in spring 2025. Registration is coming soon.

Register now

If you have questions about Eversight's Young Physicians Group, please email Ebony Johnson.

Are you still in training or in the first few years of practice and interested in

  • Increasing your awareness of new developments in the field of ophthalmology?
  • Growing your skills as a physician leader?
  • Networking with peers both locally and nationally?
  • Finding solutions to complicated cases?
  • Refining your presentation skills?
  • Mentorship opportunities?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, then Eversight's Young Physicians Group (YPG) is for you!

YPG was created by ophthalmologists across the United States in partnership with Eversight to provide a forum for physicians like you who are still in training or in the first few years of practice to network, share cases and discuss current topics in ophthalmology.

Catch up on the latest YPG discussions

Missed the meeting? Read the full recap of the Winter 2025 meeting where we discussed contract norms & negotiations for the young ophthalmologist and together engaged in a collaborative discussion on complex corneal cases.

Read the recap

Meet our Young Physicians Group leaders

Dr. Elliott Crane

Elliott Crane, MD
Northern New Jersey Eye Institute

Robert Joshua Fantus, MD

Robert Joshua Fantus, MD
NorthShore University Health System

Lara Newman, M.D.

Lara Newman, MD
Jervey Eye Group