Craig M. Johnson
A Gift that Changed Lives
Words can not even begin to express my feelings for Craig. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know Craig, but he came into my life as quickly as he left. On February 29, 2004, Craig was in a motorcycle accident and two days later, the decision to donate his organ was made.
Although Craig and I never specifically talked about organ donation, there was no question in my mind that it was the right thing to do. Craig had such a zest for life with so many dreams…that ended in an instant, or did they? Through organ donation, Craig will live on. He may not have been able to accomplish his dreams while here on earth, but he will be able to help his recipients accomplish their dreams.
One of Craig’s best qualities was his ability to make people smile and laugh. He had a smile that would light up the room and he was always there with a joke, quickly followed by a little smirk and twinkle in his eye! Every time someone speaks of Craig, a big smile comes to their face as they say, “Remember the time when Craig…”. I can still hear his laugh, and miss it terribly. Because of organ donation, I can find comfort in the fact that he continues to touch lives and make people smile.
Craig’s gifts have changed the lives of his recipients, but also their family members. Wives have their husbands back, children have their fathers in good health again and friends have someone to watch the football game or go fishing with. His donation also touched by life and I’m so proud to say he was my boyfriend and proud to say that he saved three lives. I think of Craig daily and he will always have a very special place in my heart.