Madisan White
Our Mad Mad who we miss so much
Maddie was very adamant about becoming an organ donor very early and as soon as she got her driver’s license she made sure it was on there. She was very caring and loved to help others to the point that she would put herself out just to make sure the other person had what they needed. She had a big heart and everyone knew it. She was goofy and quick witted. She always kept us laughing and always said that she was our “free entertainment”. We miss her so much and as her mom I struggle every day with her not being around. We were so close that the loss of her is so raw and has left a huge hole in my heart. One thing I get a little chuckle out of though is, Maddie was, as we say “blind as a bat” and it amazes me she was able to help 2 men with their vision. I know she is chuckling too. When we got the call to ask for donation, we knew every answer they asked would be a yes. With Madisan’s decision to become a donor early on, it made things so much easier on us with decisions. Although our loss is so great, we know that with her donations she was able to help so many people and I couldn’t be any more proud of my daughter for her selfless act of kindness. Her love and legacy will care on for many years.