
Eversight Academy’s free webinars are a great way for you to connect, learn and train digitally with leading ophthalmologists and researchers from around the world.

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Eversight Academy's free webinars are a great way for you to connect, learn and train digitally with leading ophthalmologists and researchers from around the world. We invite you to register for any of our upcoming webinars and watch past webinar sessions.

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Eversight's free webinars are a great way for you to connect, learn and train digitally with leading ophthalmologists and researchers from around the world. We invite you to register for any of our upcoming webinars and watch past webinar sessions.

Have an idea for a future topic? Interested in receiving timely and relevant information from Eversight? We'd love to hear from you!

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DSAEK surgery in the glaucoma patient

Presenter: Daniel Montenegro, MD
Date: 7 p.m. ET Tuesday, Oct. 18

This webinar will discuss corneal graft survival as well as mechanisms of endothelial cell loss in eyes with previous glaucoma surgeries.
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Management of limbal stem cell deficiency

Presenter: Sophie X. Deng, MD, PhD
Date: 7 p.m. ET Tuesday, May 20

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This webinar will first outline the steps involved in diagnosing and staging limbal stem cell deficiency using state-of-the-art in vivo imaging technology. The second part of the session will focus on a step-by-step management strategy for treating limbal stem cell deficiency to achieve the best clinical outcomes.

Antibody-drug conjugates and the ocular surface

Presenter: Asim V. Farooq, MD
Date: 7:30 p.m. ET Thursday, Dec. 5

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Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are a new and growing class of targeted cancer drugs. These drugs commonly cause ocular surface toxicity. This webinar will review what is currently known about ADC-associated ocular surface toxicity and how cornea specialists should approach these patients.

Endothelium-in DMEK in complex eyes

Presenter: Christopher Sales, MD, MPH
Date: 7:30 p.m. ET Tuesday, Feb. 11

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Christopher Sales, MD, MPH explores the outcomes and challenges of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) in patients with complex ocular conditions. This presentation will review the latest techniques and strategies for endothelial health in these intricate cases.


Endothelium-in DMEK in complex eyes

Presenter: Christopher Sales, MD, MPH

Christopher Sales, MD, MPH explores the outcomes and challenges of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) in patients with complex ocular conditions. This presentation will review the latest techniques and strategies for endothelial health in these intricate cases.

Antibody-drug conjugates and the ocular surface

Presenter: Asim V. Farooq, MD

Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are a new and growing class of targeted cancer drugs. These drugs commonly cause ocular surface toxicity. This webinar will review what is currently known about ADC-associated ocular surface toxicity and how cornea specialists should approach these patients.

Succession planning and physician recruitment: It's never too early to start

Presenter: Jill Maher, MA, COE

Succession planning is becoming more complex these days, especially as we see a shortage of ophthalmologists. It is never too early to start thinking about next steps. We will review timelines, options and how, when & where to search for an Ophthalmologist.

Applications of AI in cornea

Presenter: Travis Redd, MD, MPH

Artificial intelligence has advanced drastically in the last decade thanks in large part to the advent of deep learning. In this webinar, we will discuss how these developments may affect the management of corneal disease now and in the future.

Why office-based surgery?

Presenter: Parag Majmudar, MD

A discussion of office-based surgery with Parag Majmudar, MD of Chicago Cornea Consultants.

Understanding ocular graft-versus-host disease: Current insights and future prospects

Presenter: Sarah B. Sunshine, MD

Current insights and future prospects of ocular graft-versus-host disease presented by Sarah B. Sunshine, MD.

Developing a sustainable, impactful international keratoplasty skills transfer program

Presenter: Anthony Aldave, MD

There is an interest among many domestic corneal surgeons in addressing the global burden of corneal blindness through performing keratoplasty procedures in areas of need and to train international corneal surgeons. However, most of these domestic surgeons are unsure how to proceed or find that their efforts do not achieve the desired results due to myriad factors, including lack of donor tissues, requisite infrastructure, adequate postoperative follow-up, etc. This lecture will review some of the critical factors that determine where and how domestic corneal surgeons can make a difference by developing a sustainable, impactful international keratoplasty skills transfer program.

A journey in amniotic membrane transplantation for Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis

Presenter: Hajirah Saeed, MD

Over the last 25 years, developments in amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) tissue and techniques have allowed for improved visual outcomes in the potentially blinding disease Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN). Hajirah Saeed, MD discusses the journey of AMT since its introduction for SJS/TEN in 2002 to present day and opportunities for future directions.

Improving access to donation and transplantation services through global cooperation and harmonization: The case for the Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations

Presenter: Heather Machin, PhD

Heather Machin, RN, MBA, PhD will chart the journey of the Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations. She will outline the rationale for developing the Association, its achievements, challenges, and future. Moreover, Dr. Machin will outline the significant role that individual eye bankers, eye care providers and eye banks have in helping to improve global access to tissues, and importantly, help improve access for the 12.7 million people around the world awaiting access to a corneal transplant.

Amniotic membrane: The magic bullet

Presenter: Natalie Cheung, MD

Join us for a discussion of the utility of amniotic membrane for the cornea specialist with Natalie Cheung, MD of the Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center!

Innovative dry eye therapies: Where to turn when the standard options are not enough

Presenter: Mark S. Milner, MD

Join us for an exciting webinar about innovative dry eye therapies with Mark S. Milner, MD of Goldman Eye in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Novel advances in the cornea and eye banking field: Showcase of 2022 Eversight research grant recipients

Presenters: Elizabeth Berger, PhD, Magdalena Ivanova, PhD & Sarah Sunshine, MD

This webinar will feature multiple presenters who have received Eversight research grants and update the audience on the important work they are doing to advance the field of corneal transplantation. Join us to see how Eversight and our partners are conducting important research in 2023!

Cornea and vitamin A: a new perspective

Presenter: Mohammad H. Dastjerdi, MD

This webinar brings together Eversight and Mohammad H. Dastjerdi, MD for a discussion of the cornea and vitamin A.

Manual DALK techniques for keratoconus

Presenter: Uri S. Soiberman, MD

This webinar will review various techniques to perform deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) for keratoconus.

DSAEK surgery in the glaucoma patient

Presenter: Daniel Montenegro, MD

This webinar will discuss corneal graft survival as well as mechanisms of endothelial cell loss in eyes with previous glaucoma surgeries.

Current practice patterns for IOL calculations in patients with corneal disease

Presenter: Kamran Riaz, MD

This webinar will review current research and developments in IOL calculations, including discussion of recent developments in optical biometry, such as total keratometry (TK), and their relevance to corneal surgeons performing cataract surgery. Three specific situations will be discussed: cataract surgery in keratoconus eyes, combined with DMEK and post-penetrating keratoplasty (PKP).

Artificial iris or artificial cornea: A tale of two prostheses

Presenter: Ahmed Omar, MD, PhD

This webinar will provide an overview of customized intraocular replacements for iris defects and keratoprostheses in corneal disease.

Cataract surgery in Fuchs' dystrophy

Presenter: Divya Srikumaran, MD

This webinar will provide an overview of how cataract surgery can help some cases of Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy.

Modern management of keratoconus

Presenter: Steven Greenstein, MD

This webinar will provide an overview of the modern-day understanding and treatment of keratoconus.

Therapeutic keratoplasty: When and how?

Presenter: Vishal Jhanji, MD

This webinar will discuss the various aspects of therapeutic keratoplasty, including indications, techniques, complications and outcomes.

The DMEK triple: Pearls and pitfalls

Presenter: Parag A. Majmudar, MD

This webinar will provide pearls and pitfalls the DMEK triple procedure, which includes cataract surgery, IOL implantation and Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK).

DMEK complications management and patient selection

Presenter: Lorenzo Cervantes, MD

This webinar is geared toward the transitioning DMEK surgeon looking to increase their chances of success as they begin to implement this technique. First, Dr. Cervantes will review patient selection and surgical planning to help surgeons understand which patients will make ideal candidates and which ones won’t. Second, he’ll explore complications that arise, primarily ones that are unique to DMEK. Dr. Cervantes will cover some pearls and surgical thoughts that might help prevent complications and minimize operator stress should they occur. Lastly, he’ll present some personal experiences from Eversight virtual wet labs, a learning platform that is unique to Eversight and provides surgeons a guided experience from comfort of their own surgical scope as they take on DMEK.

Eversight's global initiatives to combat corneal blindness

Presenters: Collin M. Ross, Eversight Vice President of Global Development & Erik Hellier, Eversight Global Development Director

Eversight is a leader in global sight restoration. This webinar will review the nonprofit’s ongoing initiatives to develop international eye banking and cornea transplantation capacity in regions with great need. Such initiatives include physician surgical training and clinical education, eye bank technician and donation advocacy training, and the development of sustainable, regional eye banking infrastructure in partnership with local leaders. Speakers will highlight a case study in Pakistan, which has opened two of four planned eye banks to date in partnership with Eversight.

Making DMEK better: The preloaded Modified Jones Tube

Presenter: Evan Pike, MD

DMEK has shown exceptional outcomes in patients, but the surgical learning curve can be steep for surgeons. One obstacle is the tedious preparation of a very fragile and finicky DMEK graft.  This webinar will discuss how with the availability of preloaded DMEK in the Modified Jones Tube, surgeons' manipulation of the graft in the OR is minimal and efficient, allowing for a safer and smoother procedure.

Assessing prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in human postmortem ocular tissues and impact of routine COVID-19 testing for cornea donors

Presenters: Onkar B. Sawant, PhD, Eversight Director of Research & Michael Titus, CEBT, Eversight Vice President of Clinical Operations

Eversight-led research confirms a small but noteworthy prevalence rate of SARS-CoV-2 in postmortem ocular tissues. This webinar by Eversight Director of Research Onkar B. Sawant, PhD, will dive into the background, methods, findings and interpretations of this ongoing, collaborative investigation with researchers from Eversight, Wayne State University, Kellogg Eye Center and Rush University. Their paper—Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in human post-mortem ocular tissues—was recently published in The Ocular Surface and findings were also presented at the 2020 Cornea and Eye Banking Forum.

In this webinar, Eversight Vice President of Clinical Operations Michael Titus, CEBT, will also explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on eye banking operations and Eversight's response to provide safe donor eye tissues through donor screening, infection prevention protocols and postmortem SARS-CoV-2 testing.

Clinical Management of HSV Keratitis & Preventing Infection at Tissue Procurement

Presenters: Mohammad H. Dastjerdi, MD, & Onkar B. Sawant, PhD, Eversight Director of Research

In the first half of this webinar, Dr. Dastjerdi will cover the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, corneal complications and prevention of reactivation of herpes simplex virus. In the second half, Dr. Sawant will present data on the Effect of a Second Betadine Exposure on Corneal Toxicity to Decrease Donor Tissue Fungal Bioburden—an abstract detailing the benefits of Eversight's rigorous infection prevention protocol at the time of tissue procurement.

Taking control of the situation: Reconstructing the anterior chamber with an artificial iris in DMEK surgery

Presenter: Donald Tan, MD

This webinar introduces a novel approach to utilize the artificial iris to restore anterior chamber (AC) anatomy, so as to facilitate DMEK surgery in complex cases of bullous keratopathy, glaucoma, or previous failed grafts. The main concept is one of enhancing surgical control of the donor tissue and the anterior chamber. Enhanced donor control can be achieved using the pull-through technique, while surgical control of the DMEK AC environment is to restore the anatomical architecture of the AC, including restoration of the angles by synechiolysis, removal of abnormal and non-functional iris, restoration of the lens-iris diaphragm through stabilization of a posterior chamber IOL, and fixation of the CustomFlex Artificial Iris, prior to DMEK surgery.

Identification and management of LSCD

Presenter: Jeffrey Goshe, MD

This webinar focuses on the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of LSCD.

Impact of COVID-19 on ocular disease and donor tissue

Presenters: Michael Titus, CEBT, Eversight VP of Clinical Operations & Shahzad I. Mian, MD

In this webinar, Dr. Mian will explore the impact of COVID-19 on ocular disease and Michael Titus will discuss Eversight's ongoing work to provide safe donor eye tissue. Come prepared with questions for this interactive webinar.

Restart your practice with an effective patient communication plan

Presenters: Jill Maher, MA, COE & Ryan Schumacher

Learn what information your patients need to know and best practices for patient communication across your marketing channels. Webinar attendees will also receive a free patient communication plan that can be tailored to your practice.

DALK pearls

Presenter: Nambi Nallasamy, MD

Adding DALK to your repertoire can increase options for your patients. In this webinar, we will review indications and contraindications for DALK, different approaches to the procedure and how to handle the unique complications that can arise with DALK.

Keratoprosthesis in corneal blindness

Presenter: M. Soledad Cortina, MD

This webinar will discuss the role of artificial corneas in the treatment of corneal blindness, describe the different types of KPro and their indications. It will also review tissue needs from the eye bank, complications that may arise and research to improve outcomes focusing on ideas and projects that are most relevant to eye banking.

Management of corneal ectasia

Presenter: Shahzad I. Mian, MD

This webinar will discuss the evolving treatment strategies for the management of corneal ectasia.

Transitioning to DMEK with the DORC tube

Presenter: Parag A. Majmudar, MD

DMEK surgery can be daunting for surgeons when they first begin integrating it into their practice. This webinar will show how with the new preloaded DORC tube from Eversight, making the transition to DMEK surgery can be painless.